BetaFPV Pavo35: Powerful CineWhoop for GoPro 12
I'm a big fan of BetaFPV's PAVO series; I have already reviewed the Pavo Pivo, Pavo20, and Pavo30. I like the Whoop-style design with...
Pavo25 V2 is BetaFPV’s newest CineWhoop beast
BetaFPV's second-generation Pavo25 V2 has some revolutionary improvements compared to the original Pavo25, reviewed here on FirstQuadcopter last year. The F405 AIO 20A flight...
Aquila16: New starter FPV kit for beginners from BetaFPV
When it comes to beginners, after they finish flying a couple of hours in front of a computer simulator, I recommend starting with basic...
BETAFPV Pavo Pico: Lightest & Tiniest 4K FPV drone
The BETAFPV Pavo Pico is a micro-class CineWhoop-style flying platform intended for DJI O3, Walksnail Avatar, and Caddx Vista FPV systems. BetaFPV sent out...
BetaFPV Meteor75 Pro HD: Small size, No compromises
The BetaFPV Meteor75 Pro HD drone combines impressive visuals and powerful performance in an ultra-small size. The upgraded frame can now fit larger 45mm...
BetaFPV TWIG XL Toothpick FPV Quad under 250G
BetaFPV's TWIG XL FPV drone was first announced in 2020 and now comes with some cool upgrades that include a V5 F411 flight controller...
BetaFPV Cetus Lite FPV combo kit: Flying is Easy-Peasy
The BetaFPV Cetus Lite FPV combo kit is an excellent Halloween gift for the younger generation that wants to start with this hobby. It...
BETAFPV Flight Controller Series: For 1S-6S FPV drones
Besides the frame and motors, the flight controller (FC) is an essential part of an FPV drone. Flight controllers are the brain of drones,...
BetaFPV Cetus X FPV drone: Take It To The Next Level!
The BetaFPV Cetus X FPV drone is a 2S brushless Whoop drone specially designed for beginners who want to get advanced flight skills. It...
BetaFPV Meteor75 Walksnail: First 1S HD digital Whoop
The BetaFPV Meteor75 Walksnail is probably the world's first 1S Whoop style FPV drone with an onboard HD digital transmission system. It is compatible...
Let’s Build a CineWhoop (BetaFPV Pavo25 review)
Unfortunately, there aren’t many DIY CineWhoop kits out there and, probably, most of you would opt for a prebuild version or to put together...