
FlyPro is a relatively new brand among multi-rotor manufactures.

Their first model was announced about one year ago, The XEagle was probably the first watch controlled drone.

FlyPro quadcopters and drones

Recently they announced a pretty nice racing quadcopter, called “XJaguar”

Reviews of the best FlyPro quadcopters.

FLYPRO Xjaguar fast and furious racing quad

FLYPRO Xjaguar racing quadcopter
As recently many racer quadcopters including this FLYPRO Xjaguar were announced with flight speeds up to 200 km/s, I'm curious what is the highest speed that physically...

FLYPRO XEagle Professional Quadcopter

FLYPRO XEagle Proffesional
FLYPRO XEagle with 4K camera and xWatch Lately I read that many quadcopter manufacturers started to develop obstacle avoidance. This FLYPRO XEagle seems to be the first consumer grade...

FlyPro XEagle review

FlyPro XEagle review
The first time I read the news about this FlyPro XEagle quadcopter, I was pretty impressed. I liked the idea, but at the same...