
KaiDeng was the first quadcopter brand who offered collision avoidance with toy drones.

Kaideng quadcopter drones

KaiDeng Toys has been with RC toys for more than 29 years. Their headquarter is located in Shantou Guangdong.

List of best Kaideng quadcopters and drones

KaiDeng K130 Alpha review: Eggs can fly!

KaiDeng K130 Alpha review
A few weeks ago I already introduced the KaiDeng K130 Alpha drone in the news section, and now it is time for an in-depth...

KaiDeng K130 ALPHA the first flying egg

I have firstly read about the KaiDeng K130 ALPHA drone about two weeks ago. At that time, the egg design seemed like a stupid idea. Later I...

Kaideng PANTONMA K90 with obstacle avoidance

Kaideng K90 aka Micro Pantonma
Kaideng K90 aka Micro PANTONMA Following the success of the K80, Kaideng announced a much smaller model, called K90 Micro Pantonma. In terms of design and...

Kaideng K80 Pantonma quadcopter review

KaiDeng K80 Pantonma review
Frankly, when I firstly watched the promo video of this Kaideng K80 Pantonma drone I was a bit skeptical regarding all its amazing features. The obstacle avoidance feature...