4DRC 4D-V4 Richie user manual download

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    • File Size 6.32 MB
    • File Count 1
    • Create Date February 8, 2021
    • Last Updated February 17, 2024


    1. Hello.
      I got my 4drc 4d-f9
      It is locked on 30 m range
      and i cant change it.
      I tried changing the begginer mode but it stay the same.

    2. Bonjour! J ai un problème avec l application ou le cellulaire,,je me branche sur le Wi-Fi et ca dit que je suis connecter mais sans internet.Comment faire pour remédier
      Good morning! I have a problem with the application or the cell phone, I connect to Wi-Fi and it says that I am connected but without internet. How to remedy

    3. Hi, my 4DRC model 4D-F3 is stuck on indoor mode, how do I get gps to work. I have pressed gps button for 3 secs. Thanks.

    4. Help what do I do when the lock button has a red circle with a one in it and will not let me do anything and the auto take off has a red circle with a two in it and will not let me do anything.

    5. Good evening I just received a 4D drone-V4 I put the batteries to charge and the charging cable sesale of the battery hitch and you can not charge any of the 3 batteries you buy with the domain as I can solve this problem buy it in ALIEXPRES HOW YOU CAN REPLACE BATTERIES or charging cable

    6. Como consigo o manual em Portugues? How do I get the manual in Portuguese?
      E-mail: marinhoromero.rm at gmail.com

    7. Cela fait plus de 8 mois que j’ai acheté ce drone Richie 4dv4, et un hélice na jamais fonctionné
      Mais mail sont restés sans réponse .
      Très décevant
      It’s been over 8 months since I bought this Richie 4dv4 drone, and a propeller never worked
      But mail went unanswered.
      Very disappointing

    8. My 4DRC V4 WIFI FPV Drone WiFi live video FPV 4K/1080P HD Wide Angle Camera Foldable Altitude Hold Durable RC Quadcopter, remote control would not be able to sync with the quadcopter. Please help

    9. I can’t keep the drone in for more than a few seconds. I lost one blade protector so I took the remaining 3 off to keep it balanced. Is it ok to fly it like this? Without the guards?

    10. I have a 4D-V4 Quadcopter that will not turn on. Charged the batteries but no red light on copter. Remorte control light comes on but copter light does not. Red light comes on on USB cord. What can be done please?

    11. Hello
      I got 4DRC Pro with 6K camera, and it has a selection for 3D sound button, I am not sure what that means or how this works, being old fashioned could anyone help, is this drone has a sound where if I talk on it it records video and sound, or this needs to be subdivided and edited in adobe premiere etc.

      One more point
      If you done or deal with this drone, are there a quiet propellers available for this drone, I seen replacement but not a silent one or reduced sound, in advance thanks for the reply.

    12. On my nocchi its a 5 g drone so it says it is is this the reason i cant get it to connect to my wifi or remote as a matter of fact the drone. does not display anywhere in my wifi devices

    13. I purchased a 4RDC F4 Drone; after I have completed the gesture photo and video sync, none of my pics or videos from the flight is stored on the SD card. What am I doing wrong?

      I am able to get a few pics off my phone that have been taken.


    14. I purchased a 4RDC F4 Drone; after I have completed the gesture photo and video sync, none of my pics or videos from the flight is stored on the SD card. What am I doing wrong?

      I am able to get a few pics off my phone that have been taken.

    15. On start-up and syncing the Gesture photo and video recording everything seems to sync up, not pics are on the SD card after the flight. Is there something I’m missing?

    16. 日本語版の、使用説明書(大きな文字のもの)を、添付ファイルで構わないので、送って下さい。
      Please send the Japanese version of the instruction manual (in large letters) as an attachment.
      (The enclosed one is too small to read)

      • The 4DRC 4D-V4 Richie is a toy-grade drone, without GPS positioning so it is hard to believe such advanced features like ‘Follow me’.

    17. en español , como los podria conseguir. gracias.
      correo leonavarro.c (@) gmail.com
      in Spanish, how could I get it. thanks

      • puedes conseguirlo en aliexpress con envío desde España solo en algunos casos (hay tres versiones de cámara diferentes, 720, 1080 y 4k, según la página pero no son 4k reales) La versión con cámara mas avanzada yo solo la he encontrado con envío desde Francia.
        El dron en si vuela genial, pero casi siempre vas a tener que volarlo en su máxima velocidad si hay algo de viento. Autonomía no esta nada mal para un dron de este tamaño, pero lejos de los 20 minutos que se anuncian a veces. dura unos 8 a 10 minutos sin conectar al móvil y unos 5 o 6 conectado. Las baterías se cargan en unas 2 horas, mas de lo que uno esperaría normalmente para una batería 1S.

        you can get it on aliexpress with shipping from Spain only in some cases (there are three different camera versions, 720, 1080 and 4k, depending on the page but they are not real 4k) I have only found the most advanced camera version with shipping from France .
        The drone itself flies great, but you will almost always have to fly it at full speed if there is some wind. Autonomy is not bad for a drone of this size, but far from the 20 minutes that are sometimes advertised. It lasts about 8 to 10 minutes without connecting to the mobile and about 5 or 6 connected. The batteries charge in about 2 hours, more than one would normally expect for a 1S battery.

        • Hola Sergio como lo conectar al cell , tengo un Samsung s10 y no hay manera de conectar el Bluetooth. Gracias
          Hi, Sergio how to connect it to the cell, I have a Samsung s10 and there is no way to connect Bluetooth. Gracias

    18. Could I have the instructions in french, please?
      And don’t say they do not exist because they are included in the tiny manual which is in the box. But they are too small to be read by a human person.
      Please let me have them in a pdf format.

    19. Rivolta a Robert Neil: non so quali sono le sue mansioni nell’ambito di questa azienda nella vendita di questa apparecchiatura se io fosse al posto suo solo per attenzionare la mia disponibilità verso i clienti che hanno scelto di comprare questo quadrimotore mi creda farei il tutto possibile per accontentarli e far capire loro che grazie all’acquisto fatto mi danno la possibilità di continuare ad espletare le mie mansioni nell’ambito dell’azienda in cui mi trovo e non darei certamente delle risposte così aspre e dure comunque grazie della sua disponibiltà
      Aimed at Robert Neil: I don’t know what his duties are within this company in the sale of this equipment if I were in his place just to pay attention to my availability towards customers who have chosen to buy this four-engine, believe me, I would do the whole thing possible to please them and make them understand that thanks to the purchase made they give me the opportunity to continue to carry out my duties within the company where I am and I would certainly not give such harsh and harsh answers anyway thanks to your availability

    20. ho bisogno di un manuale in italiano per iniziare a farlo volare grazie
      I need a manual in Italian to start flying thanks

    21. Salve sono italiano, conosco l’inglese a livello scolastico per cui trovo difficoltà a tradurre il libretto di istruzione in inglese se ci fosse in italiano sarebbe gradito.
      Hi I’m Italian, I know English at school level so I find it difficult to translate the instruction booklet into English if it were in Italian it would be appreciated.
      Thank you


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