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- Create Date November 7, 2018
- Last Updated November 7, 2018
Eachine E58 user manual download page
Eachine E58 PDF instruction manual
From here you can download for free the scanned user manual for the Eachine E58 drone. The E58 user guide includes the following chapters:
- Important safety information;
- Remote control and aircraft battery installation and charging instructions;
- Transmitter control functions (button layout)
- APP instructions;
- E58 calibration steps.
Where to get the wings of it related as my one has some problems when flying, it goes right and left unexpectedly.as some of the wings are also a little broken with scratches and cut gaps
Thanks. Helped me out with the E58 drone.
My drone came with an SD slot but no SD card to insert. Where do I get one?
a Shop maybe ?
Also, for the wifi. Turn on the drone and let it sit a bit. Go to the wifi settings on your phone, and select WIFI_4K_A5FBE5 (or something similar). The phone will connect to the drone. Next, you need to go to the wifi_cam app (for iPhone, you can download from Apps). Once you turn on the app, click on START. You’ll be able to see the camera from the drone. Make sure to point to drone to something with light (not a dark room). You should be set.
Maybe it is a dumb question, but the downloaded wifi warns about not a secured network, should I be worry? join an unsecured wifi network can be hacked? what can I do? TIA for your help.
My E58 won’t lift. When I turn it on and use the vertical on the left joystick, it flies backward about 2 inches off the ground and crashes or flips over. I tried using the one key takeoff button with the same results.
I’ve clicked every button on the remote to try to recalibrate the drone, but it just keeps doing the same thing. It flies backwards and crashes.
Any ideas?
Oh, and by the way, I can see the camera from my iphone and when I click the video record button, it records to my phone. Mine doesn’t have a place for a video card, but it’s a decent video.
How do you know its a knock-off
I’ve tried everything! Take off good Then it does what it wants. Pushed houver then it went home and not mine. Yes they sent a new one but don’t want to lose this one. What am I doing wrong ???
THERE is no USB Slot and the camera is worthless. NO way to interface using the wifi because this drone does not have wifi to connect to the APP. I think there are a bunch of KNOCK off companies producing these drones. Buyer BEWARE. Stick with a major manufacturer if you want a real drone.
I downloaded the app – JY UFO to my iPhone, turned on the app, turned on the drone, then went to wi-fi in my phone. It could see the drone’s wifi signal right away. I connected the wifi. Pressed the start arrow, bottom left of my phone screen and it flew up. I pressed the camera button and it took some happy shots. Same with video. Took a bit of fiddling to get it down on the ground as I don’t know how to fly it yet.
Haven’t really started with proper flying yet but it does connect at least.
I lost my manual and thus my wifi password
can I reset it?
Is the e58 less than 250 grams?
I got it yesterday …
The weight without battery and protectors: 75.3g
The weight with battery (without protectors): 93.4g
I am missing the manual that shows how to connect to the internet- I am using an android phone.
I can’t find the Wi-Fi on drone? What app do I use also
The JY UFO app works too (on my iPhone). Turn on the app, turn on the drone, then go to wi-fi set up in phone and connect.
what if i cant connect at all with any apps?
Couldn’t get my remote to turn-on, somehow it finally did, now can’t get it to turn off? Need # to call to get replacement.
Emmett Formby
I just received my E58. It has no wifi. What a turnoff. BEWARE
It had WiFi, I have line sinds yesterday, you must turn your data of youre Phoenix out ,then turn youre drone on,go to Phoenix settings,you gonna see wifi whit no password,just connect and done
Sorry auto corrector fail, your data of your phone off, and i have Mine sinds yesterday
Can I download pictures from my phone to send to others?
photos/videos stored on phone can download with a proper phone usb cable or you can send them directly from your phone
I can connect to the wifi network but the app is unresponsive. Please help
My drone does not have a SD card holder and I can’t get my camera to work what app work my drone and camera
I had this problem, it means you’ve bought a knock off version. I sent mine back and got the real deal from amazon. Much better camera, better performance, and has an SD card slot.
je peux avoir le manuel d’utilisation français svp pour le E58 page par page
Can I have the French user manual for the E58 page by page?
et pourquoi pas! mais j’ai l’impression que c’est a moitie chinois de toute facon :(
Pardon my French! :)
and why not! but I feel like it’s half Chinese anyway :(
Pardon my French! :)
On starting my drone rises and wanders off. I want it to rise and hover? How do I stop it wandering? How do I hover?
Hello, can anyone tell me how to hover and return to take off location?
the E58 does not have a GPS assisted RTH, so it will not return to the take-off point exactly. It features only software calculated RTH, practicality it makes the simulates the controls in reverse order…..
The first day with mine…mowed the lawn, shave part of my beard, and trimmed a few trees but got a go at low altitude in my backyard…
Have plenty more to learn but read about ‘no GPS’ so return is as you said.
Have not tried the phone yet. Though I should be able to see a low battery signal but it simply would not go again…on charge now. More than one battery would be a good idea. No photo /video yet
Thank you.
Ou est ce que je peu me procurer un manuel en français et pas qui a 8 pages sur la même et ou est ce que je peu avoir une carte usb dans le drone
Where can I get a manual in French and not that has 8 pages on the same and or can I have a usb card in the drone
Sorry we have only the English manual, if you find a French one, we would happy to share it.
I need an online English one
De ce nu se conectează la Wi-Fi o drona e58 eu o pornesc și aștept sa apară în setări Wi-Fi dar nu apare… Ce este de făcut?
Why doesn’t the e58 drone connect to Wi-Fi? I turn it on and wait for it to appear in Wi-Fi settings but it doesn’t appear … What to do?
Sorry but I do not understand your reply
where can i get (in the web) the instruction manual in Spanish ????
thanks the operating instruction manual!
I have a problem with my drone eachine e58. I started 5 Min. When follows down than does not working the four propellers so can not fly.. What I have to do?
There is no problem… really. The fact is that the batteries don’t give you more time! that’s the bad side of this kind of Drones.
The battery is a 500 mA. Will a battery, same size, with a higher mA give more flying time?
yes, a 600mA (real one, not just printed) should give you some extra fun time.
Where is the location on the E58 drone to re-charge batteries
Battery is removed from the rear and a mini USB to USB will recharge in 60-70 minutes.
Hi, excuse my English. See the corners of the battery. In one side you can get the little USB connection.
Good afternoon,
Does the Eachine e58 support an extra camera approx. 300 grams???
No way, the E58 Emotion is too small to carry such of heavy camera!
Ok. Excellent!