- Version V2.0
- Download 4738
- File Size 4.04 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date December 22, 2020
- Last Updated December 22, 2020
Home HolyStone HS175 user manual download
From here you can download for free the detailed PDF instruction guide for the Holy Stone HS175 drone. The manual has English (page 01-35) and German (page 36-67) versions and includes the following chapters:
thanks for the PDF manual
Hi my name is Charles l need extra batteries Propeller How can I get these things
The German version 36 – 67 does not exist. Where can I find the German description
Necesito este manual en español
I need this manual in Spanish
Where can i find the instructions in spanish?
Could you olease tell me the frame rate for the video recorded to the TF card? Even the owners manual doesn;t have the FPS except for the live view. I assume they are the same 25 FPS, but there’s no way to know without looking at the metadata from an actual recording:-?
I just started flying manually without the app since it quits or is delayed. I’m taking pics and videos by clicking buttons on the controller. My videos are taking 29 frames per second according to the details on the videos.
One propeller quit