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- File Size 1.13 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date February 23, 2018
- Last Updated February 23, 2018
VISUO XS809HW user manual pdf download
VISUO XS809HW user manual pdf download page.
From here you can download user guide for the Siluroid VISUO XS809HW drone.
The XS809HW user manual includes:
- basic flight instructions;
- how to install blade protectors;
- how to replace the propellers;
- QR codes to install the VISUO XS809HW APP (Android and iOS).
Happy and safe flying!
s it possible to receive it by mail in Italian?
Unfortunately I have lost the one in the package.
Sorry we have only english manual
Ich benötige die Bedinungsanleitung in deutsch. Danke
I need the operating instructions in German. Thanks
J’ai besoin en Francais, c’est possible?
I need French, is it possible?
I need in Spanish, it is possible?
Lost my manual and need some info.
thanks it helped a lot! I lost my Visuo user manual…..