Flying 3D X8 User Manual

Flying 3D X8 GPS Quadcopter user manual download page

Content of the user manual:

  • Introduction to the Flying3D X8 and it’s functionality;
  • How to mount the propeller and the landing stand on the aircraft;
  • Compass calibration and other calibrations of the Flying 3D X8;
  • Flying mode, flying function introduction;
  • How to control the Flying X8 Quadcopter, including changing modes, using the one key return to home and the AOC function;
  • How to start and launch the aircraft;
  • How to turn off the quadcopter;
  • Low battery alarm and auto low battery home return functions;
  • Introduction of the transmitter and OSD;
  • The specification of the Quadcopter, battery and transmitter.

To get the best out of your flying experience with the Flying3D FX8 aircraft, please read the FX8’s flying tips from the user manual.

If any problem occurs through the time of using , operating and flying the quadcopter, you can read the Flying 3D X8 user manual for trouble shooting.

Flying 3D X8 User manual

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Junior editor on FirstQuadcopter. I'm a drone enthusiast who want to help others to discover their the latest drone news around the world.


  1. I’ve had the flying 3d x8 for almost 2 years now, great Quad. No trouble and I’ve learned a lot about it. I just recently had trouble with GPS lock and I found out that the reason for many flies off is because the GPS module have a battery in it. Mine’s almost flew off the other day does anyone have any information on how to change the battery and what volt should it be

  2. Have a Friend, was given one Two years ago, just took it out of Box. Found Bushing for Landing gear
    Missing on one side. When I went to Calibrate , Battery arked when connected. Is there a On off switch on Flying 3D X8 Copter? Is there a better Web site on controls on Transmitter, Many updates for Motor Mounts.
    Can you Calibrate in House, Holding it like book shows, with out Props moving?

  3. I had 5 of these Flying 3D X8 quads, just sold 1 on Ebay, so I’m left with 4 now.
    Great little quads but they need attention. You must calibrate the quad correctly or else you may get a flyaway.
    One other important calibration is the IMU. If your Flying 3D X8 drone doesn’t arm or pickup more satellites especially after a firmware upgrade, you need to do the IMU calibration. This re-sets everything.
    Dont upgrade to v2 !!!!. Upgrade to 1.49 or leave it at as default (firmware 1.48).
    I’ve had all mine to bits, upgrade the legs, put washers under motors so I can use 9″ props [more thrust to lift a gimbal] shortened the FC stalks so it takes the Zippy Compact 4000mAh batteries giving 12 minutes flight time.
    I’ve done quite a few mods, the latest was fitting the guts into a Phantom 2 shell [a copy version for only £21 from the Chinese sites]. Looks great and now takes a 5200mAh battery. The battery is from my XK Detect X380 fits into the Phantom shell. Using copy Phantom 2 blades too, very stable craft now. If using the standard 2200mAh batteries, watch the tail led, you only have a few minutes to land to change battery’s or the motor’s just cut out and it will fall to the ground.
    Happy Flying!!!!

    ps. The controller doesn’t have to be in any postion to start up ,but you MUST calibrate the quad when you move position, if you dont you run the risk of a flyaway. I’ve seen this happen with the XK X380 , if calibration is not correct it can simply take off, it’s happened to me twice .
    I’ve seen people fly quads without any knowledge whatsoever, they dont understand the prinsciple of flying, the li-po battery safety, they’ve put the wrong blades on the wrong motors so the quad will not take off, fly them in the wrong places and it all goes wrong they blame the quad, manufacturers, suppliers and everyone else.
    There are not toys, they need to be treat with respect. Read up, do research, join the various on-line groups, watch the quadcopter tutorial videos on youtube.

  4. I had 5 of these quads, just sold 1 on ebay, so I’m left with 4 now.
    Great little quads but they need attention. You must calibrate the quad correctly or else you may get a flyaway.
    One other important calibration is the IMU. If your quad doesn’t arm or pickup more satellites especially after a firmware upgrade ,you need to do the IMU calibration. This re-sets everything. Don’t upgrade the firmware to v2. Upgrade to 1.49 or leave it at 1.48. I’ve had all mine to bits, upgrade the legs, put washers under motors so I can use 9″ props [more thrust to lift a gimbal] shortened the FC stalks so it takes the Zippy Compact 4000mAh batteries giving 12 minutes flight time . I’ve done quite a few mods ,the latest was fitting the guts into a Phantom 2 shell [a copy version for only £21 from the Chinese sites] Looks great and now takes a 5200mAh battery.
    The battery from my XKDetect X 380 fits into the Phantom shell. Using copy Phantom 2 blades too ,very stable craft now. If using the standard 2200mAh batteries, watch the tail led, you only have a few minutes to land to change battery’s or the motor’s just cut out and it will fall to the ground.
    Happy Flying.

  5. HI lets be honest, Chinese Drone makers come and go so if the flying3d people are out of business what can we do, I searched ebay for cheapest drone, find one that has telemetry and now your telling me the maker of the drone is out of business? well we just have to develop a trust relationship between X380 and me I will not fly it over the water or over the waves at the beach until I am 110% certain it wont fly away. But otherwise the English translation of the manual is horrible has anyone heard of Grammar/Spell checker in Microsoft Word what is English translation of Stated.
    Enough of my whining is there anything in the user manual that says must have controller lying flat down horizontally in the turning on phase of the drone and Controller stage. I was out side for 2 days trying to get the quadcopter engines to kick in after 3 secs spin up. after many hours of failure to launch I take it inside and my little nephew has the transmitter now and say I know how to use these things, I turned the drone on knowing it want fly only the engines would spin the turn off after 3 secs and the bloody thing started to launch in the house.
    And from what I can figure out because unfortunately one of the propeller broke whilst It hit the wall and ceiling hard I am only going by theory I can only think that the remote controller was lying flat on the bed when it started to successfully spin up the motors.

  6. I have a Flying 3D 8x Quadcopter but ı didn’t running. Turn on my controller than I see Warning Screen (‘ Placed all switches in their up position and lower the throttle’)…

    My controller not connecting the quadcopter. How can make a connect? Please help me. Thank you so much

  7. 3rd flight . . . run the batteries down to alarm mode . . returned to home . . . nice landing . . . the next day . . . the throttle doesn’t work . . .what the heck ! Did I mess something up . . .? I tried throttle trim . . . no luck . . . on this Flying 3D X8 version 1.5. I can calibrate the compass and aquire 9-11 satellites . . . props start up. . . but when I throttle up . . . nothing . . HELP !

  8. Please explain the Tools section of the Telemetry.
    What do they do and how to use them
    Interested in TX battery
    And Reverse. What do you do and what do they do?

  9. I have a flying 3d x8 quadcopter which is my first quad. Hadn’t been able to find anywhere to download firmware or updates.
    Quadcopter cuts off @ 95% power.
    Don’t know how to change parameters.
    No fun Please Help.

    • One is supposed to be able to adjust this from the menu. I have seen it but find using the menu to be very finicky and touchy.

  10. I’m looking for the correct way to update the software in my Flying 3d X8. There is many different story’s on this. And people are bricking there quads and others are updating correctly and this is comming from . blogs, but no step by step, instruction that work for every body..
    Can you help …..

  11. in short: DONT BUY.
    had one, sold it after having it for 3 month and flying 5 times.
    even a year later and updates to FW/Rx/Tx its still experiencing flyaways/rth problems that quite amount of people can confirm.
    lookup the review on rcg which as of Sept 2015 still states NOT to buy it…

    • Have one and fly’s well ( although pretty tricky, has to be calibrated and trimmed), however is pretty fragile, and for some reason the GPS is no longer getting satellites, although everything appears to be connected.

  12. Where can I get the groundstation software for setting flight parameters on my Flying 3D X8. I have a 1.4 with a monstertronic FC

    • There is new TX software out now 22/11/2015 “flying FY-Q7 v1.5 2-April-2015.
      But how and where you get this update I can’t help.
      use at your own risk!!!!

    • Cleophus Robinson
      March 15, 2016 – 20:54:46
      I have a flying 3d x8 quadcopter which is my first quad. Hadn’t been able to find anywhere to download firmware or updates.
      Quadcopter cuts off @ 95% power.
      Don’t know how to change parameters.
      No fun Please Help.


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