Home FPV Drones

FPV Drones

For sure, racing quadcopters are the most widespread FPV drones.  Why? Flying a super-fast FPV racing drone is an otherworldly experience!

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If you’re asking “What is an FPV drone?” or “What FPV drone you should buy?” this is the place for you. In this category, you can find the cheapest as well as the best FPV quadcopters on the market right now.

FPV racing is growing rapidly as a competitive sport, and it’s become commercialized through events like the World Drone Racing Championships. Best pilots around the globe compete to make it to the top of the international rankings and to win big money.

FPV drones. FPV racing quadcopters

FPV or First Person View is the most unique experience of interacting with your drone through the highest level of immersion. Piloting a drone through your FPV goggles makes the feel like you’re in the cockpit of the aircraft.

To be honest, flying FPV racing drones isn’t easy at all, till you become a master of this hobby you will crash thousand of times.

FPV drones can send the live video signal to your Remote Control screen, FPV monitor, smartphone device, tablet, or FPV goggles. Currently, there are two main approaches 5.8G analog (most widespread) and HD digital by DJI.

Find below the best FPV drone brands

FuriBee KingKong AuroraRC
Diatone Happymodel Emax
iFlight FlyWoo SkyStars
HolyBro Axisflying GeeLand

DarwinFPV CineApe20 review: Tiny, Smooth, and DJI O4-Ready!

DarwinFPV CineApe20
The DarwinFPV CineApe20 O4 is the latest iteration of the popular CineApe series, upgraded specifically for DJI O4 Air Units. This compact 2” Cinewhoop...

CADDXFPV GoFilm 20 review: Sub 250g 4K Walksnail CineWhoop

CaddxFPV GoFilm 20
CADDXFPV's first FPV drone, the GoFilm 20, adopts a CineWhoop-style design with a 360-degree blade protector and onboard Walksnail Moonlight FPV system. It is...

iFlight Afterburner 5: FPV drone for professional cinematic works

Afterburner 5" FPV drone
IFlight developed the Afterburner 5" FPV drone in partnership with 2RAW; a company focused on cinematic FPV drones. Adopting a true-x frame structure, it...

iFlight Chimera9 ECO: Let’s Build a 9″ Long-Range FPV Drone

iFlight Chimera9 ECO
Every time I build a new FPV drone, it's like an adventure that begins with acquiring the parts and ends with a maiden flight....

BetaFPV Pavo35: Powerful CineWhoop for GoPro 12

BetaFPV Pavo35
I'm a big fan of BetaFPV's PAVO series; I have already reviewed the Pavo Pivo, Pavo20, and Pavo30. I like the Whoop-style design with...

DarwinFPV CineApe35 with GPS and three FPV options

DarwinFPV CineApe35
DarwinFPV's newest CineWhoop-style FPV drone has three FPV options: Analog, DJI O3 Air Unit, and RunCam Washp. Another exciting feature of the CineApe35 is...

Pavo25 V2 is BetaFPV’s newest CineWhoop beast

BetaFPV Pavo25 V2
BetaFPV's second-generation Pavo25 V2 has some revolutionary improvements compared to the original Pavo25, reviewed here on FirstQuadcopter last year. The F405 AIO 20A flight...

Aquila16: New starter FPV kit for beginners from BetaFPV

BetaFPV Aquila16
When it comes to beginners, after they finish flying a couple of hours in front of a computer simulator, I recommend starting with basic...

SpeedyBee Master 5 V2 with analog and digital FPV options

SpeedyBee Master 5 V2
SpeedyBee's second-generation Master 5 V2 FPV drones come with two FPV options and improvements: a programmable LED strip, a more powerful 50A/80A ESC, and...

DarwinFPV X9 FPV drone: New long range king on the sky

DarwinFPV X9 Drone
The DarwinFPV X9 is a long-range FPV drone with a high payload capacity. It adopts a true-x 363mm size carbon fiber frame with side...

iFlight Nazgul Evoque F4X: The compromise between size and power

iFlight Nazgul Evoque F4X
The iFlight Nazgul Evoque F4X has an outstanding balance between size and power. It has a wheelbase of only 185mm, compared to the Nazgul...