FPV Drones

For sure, racing quadcopters are the most widespread FPV drones.  Why? Flying a super-fast FPV racing drone is an otherworldly experience!

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If you’re asking “What is an FPV drone?” or “What FPV drone you should buy?” this is the place for you. In this category, you can find the cheapest as well as the best FPV quadcopters on the market right now.

FPV racing is growing rapidly as a competitive sport, and it’s become commercialized through events like the World Drone Racing Championships. Best pilots around the globe compete to make it to the top of the international rankings and to win big money.

FPV drones. FPV racing quadcopters

FPV or First Person View is the most unique experience of interacting with your drone through the highest level of immersion. Piloting a drone through your FPV goggles makes the feel like you’re in the cockpit of the aircraft.

To be honest, flying FPV racing drones isn’t easy at all, till you become a master of this hobby you will crash thousand of times.

FPV drones can send the live video signal to your Remote Control screen, FPV monitor, smartphone device, tablet, or FPV goggles. Currently, there are two main approaches 5.8G analog (most widespread) and HD digital by DJI.

Find below the best FPV drone brands

FuriBee KingKong AuroraRC
Diatone Happymodel Emax
iFlight FlyWoo SkyStars
HolyBro Axisflying GeeLand

Eachine Tiny QX95 micro FPV drone review

Eachine Q95 review
After many brushless racing quadcopters, I thought that it would be nice to review a micro brushed quadcopter like this Eachine Tiny QX95. In my opinion, these little RC toys are not just cheaper but also somehow more practical than the powerful brushed quads. For example, this Eachine QX 95 weighs only 56g which makes it suitable for indoor flights. Bumping into...

Holybro Kopis CineWhoop 2.5″ Pusher

Photo of Holybro Kopis CineWhoop
Like many FPV drone manufactures, Holybro also moves from large 5" freestyle quads to smaller and safer Whooop style drones. The Kopis CineWhoop features a 'Pusher' design with inverted motors. Thanks to this approach the aircraft can be controlled better in flight and the footage are smoother. The Holybro Kopis CineWhoop comes equipped with the Caddx Nebula Pro Vista Kit...

iFlight Defender 25: DJI AVATA clone?

iFlight Defender 25
For this Cristmas, iFlight prepared a new DJI AVATA-like FPV drone with O3 Air Unit onboard. The iFlight Defender 25 is the successor of the ProTek series. It adopts similar Whoop duct propeller protectors. Defender 25 comes in my with durability and usability. Weighting less than 250 grams doesn't require registration in most countries. It has a durable injection molded...

HGLRC BATMAN220 FPV drone for racing fanatics

Surely, this HGLRC BATMAN220 is not the cheapest FPV drone out there, but let's see what you get for this money. Just like in other forms of competitive flying, drone racers are constantly looking for new gear with the latest features. Based on the versatile AIRBUS F4OSD flight controller, the HGLRC BATMAN 220 is competitive with any high-end FPV drone. In order...

Coming soon: DIATONE GTR249T-HD Deadcat Version

In order to exclude props and motors from FPV view, the DIATONE GTR249T-HD features "deadcat" design. It may sound a little morbid, but the drone arms are orientated like a dead cat's legs. While the first generation GT R249 Rabbit was equipped with RunCam Micro Swift camera, the new GTR249T-HD with CADDX Turtle V2 camera. The MAMBA Racing MB1105 5500KV motors...

Lieber Birdy 1060 mini FPV drone under $100

Lieber Birdy 1060 FPV drone under $100
With a price tag of only $80 and included FPV monitor, the Lieber Birdy 1060 seems to be a good deal. According to the manufacture's specs, the Birdy-1060 has 3 flight modes, but it is not clearly specified if it refers to speed rates or real flight modes (like: Angle, Horizon and Acro). In order to make it safe for...

FrSky VANTAC BQ210 FPV racing drone

FrSky VANTAC BQ210 drone
VantacRC in collaboration with FrSky, one of the most popular radio manufacturer, recently announced a very versatile racing quadcopter. The FrSky VANTAC BQ210 FPV drone features premium components like the FrSky F4 flight controller, T-motor F40 PRO II motors, Gemfan propellers, RunCam Swift camera and FrSky VS600 5.8G VTX. The FrSky VANTAC BQ 210 comes fully built, tuned and ready to fly...

Runner 250 Advance racing quadcopter review

Runner 250 Advance review
A few weeks ago, I've already introduced this Runner 250 Advance on my website. Ever since it was announced, it seemed like an exciting model. Adding GPS system to a racing quadcopter was an interesting movement from Walkera, although some pilots considered this an unnecessary one. The previous "Runner 250" model proved to be a very popular racer. In my...

AIKON (GoFly) GEEK 35CF CineWhoop for GoPro

The GEEK 35CF is a new CineWhoop style FPV drone sold under GoFly and AIKON brand names. Intended for cinematic aerial videos it can carry a full-size GoPro 10 camera. The HD digital edition comes with Caddx Vista VTX and Nebula Pro camera. While the 6S version with racing capabilities is equipped with 1800KV motors, the 4S variant with...

ROA Parkour 280 Racer quadcopter

ROA Parkour 280 Racing quadcopter
ROA Parkour 280 racing quadcopter with foldable arms Frankly, I never heard before anything about the manufacturer of the ROA Parkour 280 racer quadcopter, but I'm already used with more and more "players" entry on the market. This is good because this way the price of the RC products are going down. Last weekend I had my first flights with a truly racing quadcopter,...


Diatone’s new CineWhoop comes with two types of FPV cameras. The price difference between RUNCAM NANO2 and DJI FPV Air Unit versions is about US$150. The Nano2 camera is paired with a 400mW VTX. The DIATONE MX-C 349 is built on the 158mm size DIATONE MXC TAYCAN ducted frame. In addition to the onboard camera, you can also install...