FPV Drones

For sure, racing quadcopters are the most widespread FPV drones.  Why? Flying a super-fast FPV racing drone is an otherworldly experience!

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If you’re asking “What is an FPV drone?” or “What FPV drone you should buy?” this is the place for you. In this category, you can find the cheapest as well as the best FPV quadcopters on the market right now.

FPV racing is growing rapidly as a competitive sport, and it’s become commercialized through events like the World Drone Racing Championships. Best pilots around the globe compete to make it to the top of the international rankings and to win big money.

FPV drones. FPV racing quadcopters

FPV or First Person View is the most unique experience of interacting with your drone through the highest level of immersion. Piloting a drone through your FPV goggles makes the feel like you’re in the cockpit of the aircraft.

To be honest, flying FPV racing drones isn’t easy at all, till you become a master of this hobby you will crash thousand of times.

FPV drones can send the live video signal to your Remote Control screen, FPV monitor, smartphone device, tablet, or FPV goggles. Currently, there are two main approaches 5.8G analog (most widespread) and HD digital by DJI.

Find below the best FPV drone brands


Wingsland M1 (Scarlet Minivet) quadcopter

Wingsland just relaunched the Scarlet Minivet under an M1 product name. Apparently, the WINGSLAND M1 has the same design and features as the old...

iEagle Explorer 6 FPV GPS quad

iEagle Explorer 6 all-in-one GPS FPV quadcopter About this new iEagle Explorer quad we can't say that is cheap, but we also can say that is a very high-end quadcopter...


JJRC H9D First Person View Quadcopter with HD camera Just found this new 5.8Ghz FPV quad from JJRC. Today was listed on one of the biggest...