FPV Drones

For sure, racing quadcopters are the most widespread FPV drones.  Why? Flying a super-fast FPV racing drone is an otherworldly experience!

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If you’re asking “What is an FPV drone?” or “What FPV drone you should buy?” this is the place for you. In this category, you can find the cheapest as well as the best FPV quadcopters on the market right now.

FPV racing is growing rapidly as a competitive sport, and it’s become commercialized through events like the World Drone Racing Championships. Best pilots around the globe compete to make it to the top of the international rankings and to win big money.

FPV drones. FPV racing quadcopters

FPV or First Person View is the most unique experience of interacting with your drone through the highest level of immersion. Piloting a drone through your FPV goggles makes the feel like you’re in the cockpit of the aircraft.

To be honest, flying FPV racing drones isn’t easy at all, till you become a master of this hobby you will crash thousand of times.

FPV drones can send the live video signal to your Remote Control screen, FPV monitor, smartphone device, tablet, or FPV goggles. Currently, there are two main approaches 5.8G analog (most widespread) and HD digital by DJI.

Find below the best FPV drone brands

FuriBee KingKong AuroraRC
Diatone Happymodel Emax
iFlight FlyWoo SkyStars
HolyBro Axisflying GeeLand

Eachine Tiny QX95 micro FPV drone review

Eachine Q95 review
After many brushless racing quadcopters, I thought that it would be nice to review a micro brushed quadcopter like this Eachine Tiny QX95. In my opinion, these little RC toys are not just cheaper but also somehow more practical than the powerful brushed quads. For example, this Eachine QX 95 weighs only 56g which makes it suitable for indoor flights. Bumping into...

GEELANG Anger 85X with Caddx Loris 4K Camera

Photo of GEELANG Anger 85X drone
GEELANG has lots of 85mm Whoop drones, but their new Anger 85X seems to be the most well equipped. It comes with Caddx Loris 4K FPV camera, which allows onboard UHD video recording. Despite its small size, the GEELANG Anger 85X can be powered by 4s LIPO packs. According to the rumored specs, a 4S/450mAh battery will allow about...

Happymodel Moblite6 & Moblite7 brushless Whoops

Happymodel Moblite6 and Moblite7 side by side photo
Happymodel is about to release two new micro brushless Whoops, the Moblite6 and Moblite7. Both FPV drones weigh less than 20 grams and share the same hardware (motors, camera, and flight controller). In the case of the Happymodel Moblite6 the Unibell EX0802 motors are paired with 2-leaf propellers (Gemfan 1219 31mm) and on the Happymodel Moblite7 with 3-leaf ones...

Realacc GX210 racing FPV quadcopter

Realacc GX210 racing quadcopter
Realacc GX210 with optional flight controller (CC3D, Naze32 or SP Racing F3) Till now, Realacc was mainly oriented on drone spare parts and quadcopter cases. The GX210 will be their first racing quadcopter. Please correct me if I'm wrong but, as I know, FPV quadcopter enthusiast are divided into three categories depending on which flight controller they prefer. Probably this is why Realacc opted to offer the GX210 with 3 different...

Diatone ROMA F1: Convertible 1.6″ FPV Whoop

Photo of Diatone ROMA F1
The Diatone ROMA F1 is an ultra-compact FPV drone with removable blade protectors. For better orientation during the line of sight flights (LoS), it has black color guards in front and blue ones in the rear. The two-layer carbon fiber frame has a wheelbase of 85mm. The top plate is padded with anti-slip material for firm battery installation. Roma F1...

HGLRC Petrel 75 Whoop FPV combo kit

Photo of HGLRC Petrel 75
HGLRC's new micro Whoop is sold in 3 package options (RTF FPV combo kit, BNF, and PNP), and it is available with 2 power versions (1S/2S). The HGLRC Petrel 75 is a direct rival of the popular BetaFPV Cetus. The Petrel 75 Whoop is an excellent indoor learn-to-fly micro FPV drone. Thanks to the duct blade guards, it is very...

Diatone Roma L5: Long-Range Freestyle FPV drone

Photo of Diatone Roma L5 drone
Diatone's latest long-range FPV drone is advertised with more than 30 minutes of flight time. The Diatone Roma L5 has two power opinions. In comparison, the 4S edition is equipped with MAMBA 2004 2900KV motors, the 6S one with MAMBA 2004 1700KV motors. Both motor types are equipped with 3-blade 5-inch propellers. Designed for long-range FPV flights, the Roma L5...

Flytec H825 EVA toy drone with 5.8G FPV camera

Flytec H825 cheap FPV drone
Instead of a WiFi FPV camera, which is usual for toy drones, the Flytec H825 drone is equipped with 5.8G FPV camera. This allows it to be used with most of the 5.8G FPV goggles. The angle of camera can be manually adjusted according to your flight style. Powered by a 580mAh battery, the Flytec H825 quadcopter has up to 8 minutes...

Coming soon: Diatone Taycan 25 Duct

Diatone Taycan 25
Diatone, one of the most popular FPV drone manufacturer, just announced a super-compact CineWhoop with 2.5″ propellers. The Diatone Taycan 25 comes with two camera options. While the analog edition comes with a Caddx Baby Ratel camera and MAMBA TX400 400mW 5.8G VTX, the digital version has a DJI camera and Vista HD digital transmitter. The price difference between...

Coming soon: FLYWOO CHASERS 138mm CineWhoop

photo of Flywoo Chasers
The coronavirus outbreak in China may end up leading to a shortage of drones, even new models like the Zino 2 are shown as “out of stock” or “discontinued”. Since the first deaths from the virus were reported, it seems like the hall market has frozen. Before the epidemic, almost every day new models like the FLYWOO CHASERS were...

BetaFPV Beta85X: Brushless Whoop for indoor fun

Betafpv Beta85X drone
Despite its small size, the BetaFPV Beta85X is a very promising FPV drone. It features Tiny Whoop alike design and super fast 6000KV brushless motors. The thing that makes even more interesting this little racing quad, is that it can be powered by 3s as well as by 4s LIPO batteries. Like most of the similar micro FPV drones, the BetaFPV Beta85X...