JJRC H12C with RTH and 5MP camera

JJRC H12C quadcopter with 5MP camera

JJRC H12C – Headless Mode and Return to Home

After H5C, H6C, H8C and H9D, JJRC announced a new quadcopter with headless mode and one key return to home.

Regarding the specs, this new quadcopter will be a serious competitor for the previous model. Hopefully they used a newer motor model and they eliminated the motor issue that the JJRC H8C has.

In order to improve the flight range of this new quadcopter, they added to the transmitter an external antenna.

The onboard 5MP camera will allow the pilot to capture their flight in full HD resolution. If you don’t need the full HD resolution the JJRC H12C quadcopter can be equipped with a cheaper 720P camera.

JJRC H12C is available in three different colors: white, orange and black.

JJRC H12C features

  • 5MP Full HD camera for aerial stills and videos;
  • 6 axis gyroscope;
  • One key automatic return function. Because it not has GPS, the return to home can’t be very accurate;
  • Headless flight mode;
  • Dual mode 2.4GHz remote controller. The transmitter can be switched freely between Mode 1 and Mode 2;
  • The anti-interference technology will prevent any interferences with other remote controlled quadcopters;
  • Can fly both indoor and outdoor;
  • Flight functions: up/down, left/right, sideward fight, forward/backward, turn left/right, 360 degree flips;
  • LED lights for night flight;
  • Up to 8 minutes flight time;
  • The rumored flight range is up to 300 meter (that is very hard for me to believe);
  • The used battery is another thing that is not very clear. On the specs we can find that it uses a 3.7V battery but on the box it says that uses a 7.4V battery;
  • JJRC H12C size: 31 cm x 31 cm.

JJRC H12C package includes:

  • the quadcopter it self;
  • 2.4 GHz remote controller;
  • 1 set of prop guards;
  • 1 set of spare propellers;
  • 2GB memory card (not included);
  • USB memory card reader;
  • 3.7V 750mAh or 7.4V 500mah Li-Po battery; (it is not clear yet)
  • JJRC H12C user manual.


A new version of this model was announced, the JJRC H12W. The main and only difference is the WIFI first person view camera. Instead of the 5MP camera the manufacturer added a Wi-Fi 720P camera.


  1. Great review! The JJRC H12C sounds like an impressive quadcopter, especially with the RTH feature and 5MP camera. I love the idea of easily capturing aerial photos. Can’t wait to see more detailed flying performance results!

  2. Bonsoir je possède un JJRC H12 Je voudrait savoir trouver les driver pour la camera car je croie que Jai formater par mes garde plus de vidéos ni photos par avance MERCI

    Good evening,
    I have a JJRC H12 quad and I want to know where I can find driver for the camera because I believe that by my OS can’t recognize the AVI format for videos or photos

  3. When i press the photo or video key in the transmitter but i cant take any pics or vids at all, i tried every ways posibles, but i cant take any. the sd card show photo and video folders, but dont take photos. date of video and photos are the same date and false how can I solve this problem?

  4. I can not get the video to play back from the Sd card into laptop it says Windows has found a fault reformatted the card twice it had recorded video before now nothing does it depend on card size using a 4gb at present.

  5. No Wifi on the H12C, only a micro SD pic/video recording. Nice HD though!

    I found on mine that the camera picks up a LOT of noise from the props. Looking for 3- leaf propellers that fit H-12C to reduce the noise level. 3-leaf props usually slightly smaller diameter for same thrust at same RPM, so tip speed is lower, hence quieter.

    Also found that when descending from altitude, the video shows the drone is NOT very stable – shaking badly during descent for any distance at any speed. Image stabilizes as soon as I go to hover or climb.

  6. Hello, I from the Netherlands and i need some help.
    I have buy a JRC H12C quadcopter. In the store the let me see that i can connect the camera on my iphone.. but now I am home, and i can’t find the app who can connect my Iphone with my drone with Wi-Fi my gratitude will be great.

  7. HI,
    Can you help me on what to do, as i cant get any signal strength on my Radio controller on my H12c, it seems its not communicating, it was initially working when I bought it, but after a while, i cannot get to work with the H12c..


  8. Just got my H12C. After a semi soft crash the lights flash and it seems like I have to bind it again. I read that the flashing lights mean the battery is giving out. Do the flashing lights also mean the quad needs binding again? If that’s the case is this normal for this quad or is it a glitch with the one I got? I’ve only had it one day so don’t know if it’s the quad or if it’s operator error, or if it’s normal to have to bind it after a crash.
    BTW Jon, that was a really great post you made.
    It explained a lot.

  9. I am new to Quadcopters. Just bought the H12C. How can I view what the camera sees? Do I need to get an app for my phone if so whch one?
    Thank you.

  10. Mine came with instructions. Strange foreign translation, but with patience I worked them out. It helped to switch on the transmitter first, being careful to push the left-hand lever on the controller down at zero value. Then place the quadcopter on a flat, level surface and (keeping it level for the internal gyro sensor) switch on the copter.
    To bind, push that lever up to maximum value, then down (hopefully now binded), sometimes up and down again until you hear the beep.

    I usually turn off the lights on the H12C quadcopter with the top left shoulder button of the controller to save battery.

    If you are two metres altitude, you can perform the flip using the other shoulder button (on the top-right of the controller). This is achieved by pressing and holding it down until you hear beeping, then fully pushing the right control lever (direction forward, backward, sideways left, and right) fully to it limit, in any of those directions.

    Trims are located on the right hand side of the controller for direction. Left side control trims adjust rotational heading (horizontal trim), and acceleration trim (not recommended by manufacturer).

    There is a curious graduated wheel button located to the right side of the controller that is used to adjust right hand lever direction speed. Press this round button to activate percentage display, then turn wheel clockwise or wither shins.

    Four dark buttons control video, camera, mode (*for left handers use different mode, then swap out the pop-out levers so drifting direction is now controlled on the left, but heading and acceleration is now on the right), and lastly headless return mode.

    The video and camera only work if you have inserted a 2GB TF card in the slot (metallic chip facing down), feeling a spring clip retaining it. The video button will turn on the video which is witnessed by a video symbol appearing on the controller display. After recording, be sure to capture video by pressing the video button once again (symbol disappears). Get snap-happy with the camera by just pressing the button.

    Mode 1 seems strangely to operate controls in a way every other controller I’ve ever used would call Mode 2. Return button is pressed once. The quad copter will suddenly fly towards you quite alarmingly! I advise you tap the right side (drift direction) control stick immediately after pressing to stop the copter returning. It will now hover on the spot, allowing you to then calmly fly it back to you using just the right control stick (the left sided control stick that usually controls heading is now effectively redundant, except it is still required for altitude, and rotating the video camera) giving the operater fewer concerns about co-ordinating the control sticks since the right hand stick controls flight in headless mode.
    Deactivate return/headless mode by pressing the return button once again.

    Recalibration of JJRC H12C can be achieved (if trimming is insufficient) by placing the quadcopter on a level surface, pressing the top-right shoulder 3D button, then simultaneously pushing both both control sticks to the bottom left for 3 seconds, releasing them, waiting 2 seconds while lights flash until they turn constantl on.

    I hope all goes well for you and I didn’t waffle too much!

  11. I received my H12c two days ago it flew perfectly out of the box for the past two days I tried to fly it this morning and the remote or quad the isn’t picking up each other any help

    • For outdoor flight you need to crank up the direction speed. Use the button/wheel at the lower right to turn up % power for outside. Inside i use ~ 10 – 15%. But outside you will need at least 50% even for a calm day. For a breezy day use 100% and be ready to hold it against the wind, or use the “come home” button if the wind takes it too far.

  12. Got mine today, has separate insert for new version controller – let me know if I can help. Trying to figure out calibration now, anyone had any luck with calibrating?

  13. Where can I find a copy of the user/operator manual. The manual that came with mine describes a transmitter that doesn’t even resemble the transmitter I received. It references some “F+Series” instead. So all I have to work with is the picture and description shown on the side of the box. And that, for example, doesn’t even give me a clue as to how to “bind” the copter and the 2.4ghz transmitter.

  14. H12C-18 BNF quad, without camera, battery and transmitter for only $23!
    Can be the perfect donor of spare parts, in case you need to repair your JJRC H12C quad.

  15. Just go my JJRC H12C quad! Is very good to flying, very stable and easy to operate.
    I have a questions, the H12C package includes the 2GB memory card or not?


  16. @FastnFurious: BG is the primary retailer of the JJRC H12C Quad, and they are currently selling them for $69.99 (all of 13% Discount on the Retail Price), with Free Shipping. I’ve seen these on eBay for up to $149.95 (Buy Now option). Also, I’v only seen two live demo of this new bird on YouTube. I’ve placed an order from BG, but no delivery until after the Chinese New Year, which ends on Feb 22.
    Cant wait to test the “Rated Range” of 300m and the much talked about improved wind resistance.

  17. I bought this and am looking forward to getting it. I just have to say that people better not be expecting a miracle. For the money, expect that level of quality. I heard the motor is the same. The difference is the battery. i has a lower voltage. I heard that the H8C had a 7.4 volt battery which was causing the motors to burn out prematurely. This should help solve the problem. I bought it for the 1080p camera. However, I also heard the the jello effect may be visible. There are ways to correct this problem.
    I just wander about the availability of parts such as motors for this quad.

  18. Can´t find a reason why the H12C quadcopter costs much more than a H8C. The differences between these two models are the 5MP camera and the non-GPS return to home.

  19. The RTH of the H12C can’t be too accurate without GPS, probably it uses only some sensors that determinates the position of the remote controller.
    Any full review of this quadcopter? I’m very curious about the quality of this new camera.


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