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RunCam Split revolutionary FPV camera

RunCam Split camera
Many say that the modular design of the RunCam Split camera is "revolutionary" or "game changer" but, in my opinion, actually it was born from the patent issue of the RC3 (claimed by GoPro). Practically they splitted the camera into 3 parts (lens module, DVR and WiFi module). Frankly I don't know why they didn't included also a 5.8G...

TKKJ M77 Mini entry level drone for beginners

TKKJ M77 Mini cheap drone
Thanks to its full protective frame, the TKKJ M77 Mini drone is just perfect for first-time pilots. My only concern regarding this "jailed propeller" design is how much can degrade flight performance. The extra weight of the protective frame will probably also reduce the overall flight time with about 20%. Excepting barometric alt-hold, it has all the latest features (Headless flight...

Diatone GT200 professional racing quad

Diatone GT200 drone
At the beginning of 2017, Diatone rumored their new GT2 racing drone series. Now, after about 5 months, it is ready for the tests the Diatone GT200 V2, which is the largest model of the series. The manufacturer announced the GT200 in two variants, GT200N "Normal" and GT200S "Stretch". The only difference between these two models is the shape of the frame....

JJRC H38WH quadcopter with removable arms

JJRC H38WH drone
Although, at first look, the removable arms of this JJRC H38WH quadcopter seems to be only a marking trick in my opinion, it also have few practical advantages. When it comes about storing and transportation of a drone, the modular design is definitely helpful. In front of the aircraft is located a 2MP camera with wide angle lens (120 degree FOV). In...

Eachine Revenger55 tiny brushless FPV drone

Eachine Revenger55 drone
When I firstly read about the Eachine Revenger55 I was totally enthusiast to test one. Checking the manufacturer specs I found out that smaller does not necessarily mean better. In my opinion, its 3 minutes of flight time is too short for an enjoyable flight time. The Eachine Revenger 55 is build on a 55mm sized carbon fiber frame. In order...

FQ777 FQ04 pocket drone with camera

FQ777 FQ04 quadcopter
Rumors about the FQ777 FQ04 aka Eachine E60 FQ777, a serious player on the pocket drone market recently announced their new model called FQ04. The remote controller of the FQ777 FQ04 can not only conveniently store the drone but also charge its battery. I especially like pocket drones because they are extremely portable. You can take them with you every where, from office...

Awesome Q95 micro FPV racing quad for newbies

Awesome q95 drone
As you can see on the video below, thanks to its small size and included propeller protectors the Awesome Q95 drone is suitable for indoor flights. In my opinion, if the manufacturer would've included altitude-hold feature, the UAV Q95 should have been a perfect learn to fly FPV quad. In front of the aircraft is located a 600TVL camera with integrated 5.8G...

KaiDeng K130 ALPHA the first flying egg

I have firstly read about the KaiDeng K130 ALPHA drone about two weeks ago. At that time, the egg design seemed like a stupid idea. Later I found it convenient that thanks to its compact size you can easily put it into your pocket. Thanks to the built-in barometric air-pressure sensor, the K130 Alpha quadcopter is capable to maintain autonomously its flight altitude. Unfortunately the on-board camera has...

Eachine E51 new sElfie drone with high-tech design

Eachine E51 quadcopter
Even Eachine advertises their new E51 as being the world's smallest "sElfie drone". They already have an even smaller model called E55 Mini. The Eachine E51 was announced in two variants (RTF and BNF). For extra 7$, the RTF package includes a nice extendable remote controller. When it comes to first-time pilots, certainly one of the most important feature of this selfie quad-copter...

Eachine VR006 mini FPV goggles

VR-006 - Ultra compact and dirt cheap FPV glasses from Eachine Following the success of the VR-007, Eachine just announced a new even more compact FPV goggles called VR-006. Thanks to the Eachine VR006's AV-In plug, you can display alternatively the FPV signal from your drone and a second video signal from another source (like external VTX or directly connected TVL camera). In order to ensure...

LANCHI MONSTER ultra compact brushless FPV racer

Thanks to its small size, the LANCHI MONSTER drone is suitable for both indoor and outdoor flights. Anyway, due to the powerful brushless motors I recommend this mini FPV racer for indoor practice only for experienced pilots. Like many recent racing drones, the LANCHI MONSTER is also based on the versatile F4 flight controller. By default it comes with the popular...