ZLRC SG108: 4K Mavic Mini alternative?

Photo of ZLRC SG108 drone

ZLRC, a rising star on the drone market, just released a new GPS model with 4K camera, which could be one of the Best Mavic Mini alternatives right now under $200. Like its DJI contender, the ZLRC SG108 also features a cool foldable design and brushless motors. Of course, priced about 3 times less, we can’t expect the same set of functions.

While with folded arms, the ZLRC SG108 measures just 180 x 83 x 57mm, with extended arms, ready-to-fly 250 x 302 x 57 mm. The take-off weight is about 245 grams, which is under the FAA’s weight limit.

Its onboard 4K camera allows taking videos with a resolution of 2048*1080, and photos with 4096*3072 pixels. The angle of the camera can be remotely adjusted in order to get the best field-of-view. Thanks to the 5G WiFi real-time image transmission, you can display the camera’s video feed on your mobile device.

According to the advertised specs, its 7.6V/2200 mAh battery allows about 20~25 minutes of flight time.

Price and availability

Starting with today, you can order the SG108 drone from Banggood for only US$129.99 with one battery and handbag. There is also a ‘fly more combo’ option with 3 flight batteries included for extra 30 bucks. Note: expected shipping date, starts with September 17.

ZLRC SG108 drone features and specs

  • Mavic Air 2 alike design with foldable arms;
  • GPS positionings system;
  • Optical flow positioning;
  • 4K camera (2048*1080 video and 4096*3072 photo) with remote angle adjustment;
  • 5Ghz Wifi real-time image transmission;
  • 7 class wind resistance;
  • Follow me and Surround flight;
  • Fail-safe auto return to home (low battery and signal loss);
  • Up to 1KM control distance and 600~800meters FPV range;
  • Up to 25 minutes of flight time.

Product details

ZLRC SG108 transmitter
Remote controller
ZLRC SG108 camera
4K ESC Camera


I joined to the FirstQuadcopter team last year. I love diving into the latest and greatest in drone technologies and seeing what they can do. Content moderator and helpdesk.


  1. What’s up, I bought this drone a few weeks ago and I’m very, very happy for the quality price, but I couldn’t make the follow me mode work correctly, any advice?

    Regards from Mexico.

  2. I have owned two of these. The features and performance were good for the price. Unfortunately, both flew away on me. In neither instance, was the drone near the connection distance limit. Simply lost connection and would not respond to RTH or emergency stop.


  4. Hello There!

    I need some help, please, to decide on one drone purchase, if possible.
    I need a cheap but good drone, capable to rise the maximum possible.
    I know the drones like SG108, for example, could rise until 120m. That is a good ceiling for me. But, the price is a little high for what exactly I need and looking for right now.
    I’m looking for drones for US$ 70 maximum. Better if cost less than that. US$ 50 would be perfect.

    Is it possible, please, you suggest some options?
    Thank you very much and congratulations on your Youtube channel.


  5. I got mine today and its says zll on the drone rather than zlrc and once you get about 60m distance the camera image freezes up. Can somehelp me with this issue please.

  6. Do not buy this if you own a Pixel phone. For some reason, the phone is unable to record any useable video. It is pixellated, laggy, and impossible to make out any detail.

    Photos work as expected and I’ve tested on a Samsung phone and the video recording is fine, so not a hardware issue.

    • No. This is a surprisingly good and stable drone IMO. The problem is build quality. The drone came with one of the two handles that should hold my phone broken. Also, I had the 3-battery version, but one of three batteries cannot be inserted properly and the second one must be forced in. At some point, the controller did not connect to the drone. Later, when the RC and one were connected, the drone could not take off even though the motors were unlocked and spinning. Once it was in the air, it flew beautifully.

      • Como conseguiste hacerlo volar??
        Me pasa los mismo…”dron no podía despegar a pesar de que los motores estaban desbloqueados y girando”…
        Como solucionaste y conseguiste que volar???
        Muchas gracias de antemano saludos
        How did you get it to fly?
        The same thing happens to me … “drone couldn’t take off even though the motors were unlocked and spinning” …
        How did you solve and get me to fly ???
        Thank you very much in advance greetings

        • Para volarlo en interior, toca el botón de GPS (luz de GPS apagado significa GPS encendido) y con GPS para exteriores, necesitas al menos 8 satelites
          To fly it indoors, tap the GPS button (GPS light off means GPS on) and with outdoor GPS, you need at least 8 satellites

  7. I’m looking a starter drone, before spending bigger on DJI etc. This seems ideal, my main question is does the 5G Wifi mean that my phone needs to be 5G mobile network compatible, or is this just a wifi standard (5GHz – that my phone is very likely already compatible with)?
    Sorry, I find this very confusing and not explained well anywhere!

    • Una cosa es el 5G de datos y otra el WiFi 5g…Nada tienen que ver una cosa con la otra.Respecto al estándar de 802.11,todos tienen esa referencia,802.11 la que funciona con 2.4 GHz son la BNG y la de 5ghz ,a y c…
      One thing is 5G data and another is WiFi 5g … They have nothing to do with one thing with the other. Regarding the 802.11 standard, everyone has that reference, 802.11 the one that works with 2.4 GHz are the BNG and the 5ghz , ay c ..

  8. I am considering buying this drone for sea-side photography my budget is around 100 euros. would this be your best-recommended drone for the price? I’m looking for a 4k esc camera. thank you.

      • what kind of price brackets would I be looking at in your opinion? bear in mind I’m twelve, I like photography. I just want to try some basic cinematography moves and have fun with it thank you very much for answering all my questions.

    • Cámara 4K por ese precio,es imposible…Tal vez en la foto,aunque tengo mis dudas…Cuando el fabricante se refiere al 4K,es en la foto…Pero ni así,porque en la realidad,no llegan a esa definición.
      4K camera for that price, it is impossible … Maybe in the photo, although I have my doubts … When the manufacturer refers to 4K, it is in the photo … But not even like that, because in reality, they do not arrive to that definition.

  9. I’ve had this little guy for a few months now… I ❤️ it. Great for fun, but its video quality can’t be compared to a Mavic Mini

    • Obviamente que no,en ningún aspecto…Puede ser un buen drone,para su precio pero dista mucho a las prestaciones de mini…Eso sin dudarlo…
      Obviously not, in any respect … It may be a good drone, for its price but it is far from the mini benefits … That without hesitation …


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