SKYRC SOKAR racing quadcopter

SKYRC SOKAR racing quadcopter
SkyRC Sokar racer quad with 5.8Ghz real-time image transmission Unlike other racing quadcopters, this SkyRC Sokar has a nice friendly design thanks to the racing car shape cockpit.Unfortunately,...

Hubsan X4 H502S FPV GPS Quad

Hubsan X4 H502S quadcopter
Hubsan X4 H502S - cheapest first person view GPS quadcopter Hubsan just announced a completely new product line, the X4 H502. The flag ship model of...

Yuneec Typhoon price drop

Yuneec Typhoon price drop
Typhoon 4K quadcopter for only $847 After few weeks from the moment DJI announced their price drop it was time for Yuneec to announce more attractive prices. The guys from...

Eachine VR-007 FPV goggles

Eachine VR-007 FPV goggles
Eachine VR-007 cheapest FPV glasses Anyone who has flown a racing quadcopter guaranteed will look for a FPV goggles. Trust me, I did the same...

LiDi RC L6F hexacopter: Six motors are better than four?

LiDi RC L6F review
Since I started my journey in the world of multi-rotors I hesitated to make reviews on hexas, don't ask me why because I can't...

Fayee FY805 micro: Tiniest hexacopter

Fayee FY805 hexacopter review
Hexacopters like this Fayee FY805 offer greater stability compared to the 4-motor design (or at least it is supposed to be). But sadly, each concept...

F450 Flame Wheel with APM 2.8 FC: My First DIY Quadcopter

F450 my first DIY Quadcopter
My son is always willing to help me in building or disassembling any kind of stuff, so he was very enthusiastic when I told...

DJI Phantom 4 hysteria

dji phantom 4 hysteria
DJI Phantom 4 hysteria on social media Yesterday, the social media was invaded with "news" about the DJI Phantom 4 quadcotper. I read all the shares...

FLYCKER X4-550 Explorer

After testing many 350 mm size quads I think it would be interesting to review something bigger like the FLYCKER X4-550.This new quadcopter from Flycker...

My first flight with the Cheerson CX-20

my first flight with Cheerson cx-20
In the past, I had only the little and famous Cx-10 witch truly is a toy. When I ordered the cx-20 I was a...