Syma X5C range Hack

Yesterday, finally, I had enough time to hack my Syma X5C transmitter. Why I had to make this hack risking to brick my transmitter? because I need more the 30m for a decent outdoor flight. Last week I was curios what's inside the Syma X5C transmitter and how can I extend the control, as well the flight distance. Of course, like a bad...

Galaxy Visitor 3 outdoor flight video

Galaxy Visitor 3 outdoor flight video. Some of the features that will help you for a spectacular and easy flight with this quadcopter: Anti-collision guard simply by switching the acceleration sensor on and off ; LEDs of different colors make it simple to detect the aircraft in the night; Internal height sensor for altitude hovering; Signal Loss Protection function, if the signal is lost, the quadcopter...

Flying 3D X8 User Manual

Flying 3D X8 GPS Quadcopter user manual download page Content of the user manual: Introduction to the Flying3D X8 and it's functionality; How to mount the propeller and the landing stand on the aircraft; Compass calibration and other calibrations of the Flying 3D X8; Flying mode, flying function introduction; How to control the Flying X8 Quadcopter, including changing modes, using the...

Syma X5C Auto Cut-off test

Today, I read on the forum about some complains regarding the auto cut-off issues on the X5C quadcopter. I decided to test this problem by myself because it can produce some unhappy things like the flyaway. Syma X5C Auto Cut-off video After few tests, the results were promising, every time I stopped the remote controller (resulting remote signal loss), in 2-3 seconds all...

Cheerson CX-30 Promo Video

Cheerson CX-30 2.4G 4CH 6 Axis RC Quadcopter promo video The Cheerson CX30 Quadcopter takes fun to a new level. It's a very versatile aircraft that is appropriate for indoor flight. It's also good for night flights with it's in-built LEDs. You can read the full review of this quadcopter here:  Cheerson CX-30 review, also you can download the user manual from my website.

Cheerson CX-30 User manual

In the Cheerson CX-30 user manual you will find everything you need to operate and fly this quadcopter. Some of my readers requested the user manual for the CX-30 quadcopter. In order to help, them I contacted the manufacturer and I requested it. After 2 hours I got the user manual from them, but unfortunately only on jpg image format. To be...

Cheerson CX-20 Firmware and Driver

Latest Cheerson CX-20 Firmware First off all, upgrading the quadcopter's firmware or any other device it's a very risky process, can brick your device, proceed only at your own risk! The downloaded file also includes a short tutorial video about how to flash the firmware on your Cheerson CX-20 quadcopter. At this moment, there are three versions of the CX-20 on the market with different...

Resetting and calibrating the Syma X5C

In case of flight disorder or sideward flight, restore factory default settings will be help to restore the default gyroscope settings. Resetting and calibrating the Syma X5C in four steps: Step 1: Press the power switch to turn on the transmitter; Step 2: Press the power switch to turn on the Syma X5C; Step 3: When the aircraft indicator quickly flashing to slowly flashing,...

Cheerson CX-30 small quadcopter with camera

The Chinese Cheerson quadcopter manufacturer launches a real offensive in the world of small multi-rotors, first with the nano CX-10 and now with the CX-30 quadcopter with camera. Due to the attractive and  special design, the CX-30 quadcopter can be the favorite multi-copter of 2014, for the small quadcopters division. This multi-rotor size is only 185x185mm and 20mm in height. That's perfect for indoor flight and you can choose between four...

Inside the Syma X5C remote controller

Today I opened my Syma X5C 2.4Ghz remote controller. The default range is only 30m and I want to extend this range by adding a 3db 2.4Ghz antenna. I think it's very easy to replace that fake plastic antenna with a 3db 2.4Ghz from an old wifi router, or you can order one on eBay for only $6. I think this...