Cheerson CX-30 Promo Video

Cheerson CX-30 2.4G 4CH 6 Axis RC Quadcopter promo video Cheerson CX30 Quadcopter takes fun to a new level. It's a very versatile aircraft that is appropriate for...

Cheerson CX-30 User manual

In the Cheerson CX-30 user manual you will find everything you need to operate and fly this quadcopter. Some of my readers requested the user...

Cheerson CX-20 Firmware and Driver

Latest Cheerson CX-20 Firmware First off all, upgrading the quadcopter's firmware or any other device it's a very risky process, can brick your device, proceed only at...

Resetting and calibrating the Syma X5C

In case of flight disorder or sideward flight, restore factory default settings will be help to restore the default gyroscope settings. Resetting and calibrating the...

Cheerson CX-30 small quadcopter with camera

The Chinese Cheerson quadcopter manufacturer launches a real offensive in the world of small multi-rotors, first with the nano CX-10 and now with the CX-30...

Inside the Syma X5C remote controller

Today I opened my Syma X5C 2.4Ghz remote controller. The default range is only 30m and I want to extend this range by adding...

Galaxy Visitor 3 from Nine Eagles

This aircraft is a medium size quadcopter with a distance of 14-24 cm between each rotor.A highly developed 9-axis gyro stabilization system is the key to...

Unboxing my Syma X5C video

Syma X5C actually comes with a very impressive printed Instruction Manual, it actually explains everything you need to know in great detail and well written. (Download X5C user manual)

UDI U839 Nano outdoors flight video U839 from UDI RC Toys is a super mini size quadcopter, having the smallest volume and the lightest weight and featuring strong stability and...

UDI U839 Nano: A cute drone for kids

On the first look the UDI U839 Nano quadcopter seems to be an Hubsan H111 Q4 (Proto X) clone.I’ve been playing before with other tiny...