Home Testimonials


All drone pilots have funny or sad flying experiences that can share here on FirstQuadcopter.com.

Flying testimonials – Share your best flying moments.

DJI drone films 80 tons whales in Hermanus

Every year large numbers of Southern Right Whales travel from the Antarctic to the warmer Walker Bay off the coast of South Africa to...

My Cape Town Selfie with DJI Phantom quadcopter

Ultimate selfie quadcopter video
Selfie video captured with DJI quadcopter in Cape Town First of all, thank you so much for sharing my drone video last week. I have...

Cape Town aerial video taken with DJI Phantom drone

Cape town aerial video waken dji phantom quadcopter
Living in Cape Town, we are continually flawed by the beauty our city has to offer. As content creators and consumers ourselves we have...

Need advice to purchase my first drone

my first drone under $200
Recomandations for my first drone Greetings and Salutations !!! Love your website and videos !!!! This 55 year old father of 2 is desperately looking to buy...

Every quadcopter has its own story

quadcopter testimonial
Share your best moments with your favorite quadcopter A few months ago, I created a special " Testimonials " section to allow my readers to share their...

My first flight with the Cheerson CX-20

my first flight with Cheerson cx-20
In the past, I had only the little and famous Cx-10 witch truly is a toy. When I ordered the cx-20 I was a...

Sadly story of my first big quadcopter

My first "big" Quad
Sadly, I am also the owner of a Detect X380.  I have successfully flown a few smaller "copters" in the past starting with my...

Hot Rod your Quadcopter

Mould King Quadcopter Hot Rod mod
Part 2 - Evaluation and Dis-assembly I received my X5C clones in about 2 weeks from the order date. So now I have to evaluate...

Syma X5C Hot Rod

X5C Hot Rod Mod
Hot Rod your quadcopter - Transform your X5C or one of the many clones into a Hot Rod!!! In a series of articles I will...

Request for flying testimonials

First quadcopter-testinonial
TO: Site Monitor I would like to post some still pictures along with my comments. Can I do this? If so, how would I do...