Home DIY Quadcopters Syma X5C Auto Cut-off test

Syma X5C Auto Cut-off test

Today, I read on the rcgroups.com forum about some complains regarding the auto cut-off issues on the X5C quadcopter.

I decided to test this problem by myself because it can produce some unhappy things like the flyaway.

Syma X5C Auto Cut-off video

After few tests, the results were promising, every time I stopped the remote controller (resulting remote signal loss), in 2-3 seconds all the motors on Syma X5C got stopped by the protection circuit. That means no flyaway effect when the quadcopter is out of the remote controller range. Good work Syma!


    • (I’ve just read your question): Fly away effect: the drone continues to commit the last order received. e.g. If it has been ordered to fly away, once the RC range limit cut offs, the drone flies away (until the battery can power the motors)

  1. Thanks for showing me this, just bought my x5c from a local shop (bit higher in price but prefer the face to face) and been out a few times but allways worried what will happen if i go out of range.


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