Syma X5, X5C and X5C-1 spare parts
Unavoidable, after several crash lands, you will need some spare parts to repair your Syma quadcopter.
After my last crash land I recovered my Syma X5c only after few minutes. Unfortunately, because the motors didn’t stopped after hitting the ground, the propellers have hooked in 20cm high grass.
As I am a beginner flyer, of course I have had some crash lands before, but until now nothing happened to my quadcopter, I thought it was indestructible :).
After I recovered the quadcopter and I removed all the grass around the propellers and motors shafts I tried to power on my Syma X5. The result was disappointing. two of the motors didn’t start anymore.
Mechanically nothing happens to the aircraft, I had to check electrically every part of the Syma X5C separately.
At first sight, the quadcopter ‘s motherboard or the two anti-clockwise motors died (or both if I am an unlucky man).
I had two options, to order a new Syma X5 (BNF – without battery, camera and transmitter) and keep the old one as “donor” or order spare parts and trying to fix my X5C.
Finally I decided to order two anti-clockwise motors. Be careful, on some stores you have to order separately the motor gears.
After I’ll received the spare parts I will keep you updated with the fixing process through a new blog post.
Syma X5C spare parts:
- X5C-01 body cover
- X5C-02 main blade
- X5C-03 propeller protection frames
- X5C-04 landing skids
- X5C-05 Motor holder / Motor base
- X5C-06 Lampshades (LED light covers)
- X5C-07 Motor A (Anti-clockwise, that with the black and white wires)
- X5C-08 Motor B (Clockwise, that with the blue and red wires)
- X5C-09 LED light boards
- X5C-10 Receiver board (Syma X5c main board)
- X5C-11 500mAh or 600mAh Li-Po battery
- X5C-12 USB battery charging cable
- X5C-13 Syma HD Camera
- X5C-14 Transmitter / Remote controller
- Syma X5C Motor gears
- Syma X5C main gear
One important thing if you need to replace the receiver board, check the version of the spare part before you buy it, because the Syma X5C ‘s receiver board has upgraded and the new version can’t bind with the old transmitter.
Hey! Can you give me the protocol for the transmitter plz!
Because I want to drive my drone with my Jumper T18 so.. you understand!
so where and how do I order parts from exactly ? I had a very light crash, and now 1 and some times 2 blades wont turn off unless I disconnect the battery, the other 2 work and respond fine.. what do I need for parts ?
Here you can find all the spare parts for the X5C. All the motors spins freely by your hand? In my opinion is something wrong with the main gear, motor gear, motor or all together.
I would like to know where I can buy that specific spare part (power switch ). Is the Syma x5c-1 mini-slide switch to power on the drone located at the rear part by the battery compartment.
Thank you
My Syma X5C Camera wiring snapped off at the end of the wiring. How much is only the wiring for the camera?
Four of us bought these and within a 1 month period 3 different units had motors go bad. We expected these to be more reliable than they were.
They are fun and easy to fly but the motor issue is very disappointing.
Where can I get a motor. Mine is 1.7 cm long by .83 cm diameter
Symantec X5c-1 explorer
I bought a new controller for my syma x5c and I can’t seem to sync them together I have tried lots of things and nothing works please help.
My Syma x5c Explorers drone is acting up. I went to get two new batteries the other day because i thought maybe the ones i got a couple months ago were gone bad. When i plugged in the old ones after a charge with the cable i would plug it in and the lights wouldn’t come on and a red light on the motherboard came on instead and it slowly just died. When i got the new batteries home i plugged it in (knowing it had a charge in it already) and it ran fine came to life and flew around for about 10 mins or so.
The funny thing is though that the motherboard light was still on even with this battery. Once that battery ran out, i charged it for about an hour and 15 mins or so and took it to plug in and it did the same thing that the older batteries did; no lights, only red motherboard light, and it slowly dies out. Someone please help me haha. I am not sure if i am needing to replace the motherboard and the charger cable or just the charger cable. or if the drone is toast and i should get a new one.
does anyone know where to get a x5c battery cover? thanks chuck
Use a duct tape is cheaper :)
My receiver board syma x5c (sm-x5-r v5), can I used receiver board v3 to replace.
When replacing motors, wouldn’t it be easier (and safer for the soldering-challenged) to cut the wires leading to the old motors, replace the motor(s), and then just splice the new wires to the old? I hate to cook the main board or cause problems with inept soldering. For that matter, perhaps some kind of quick connector could be put on the motor wires making for fast replacement.
What you think?
Yes, is a great idea. You can just cut the wires and splice back together.
Problem with X5C1. One blade flys off of the shaft about 5 to 10 seconds into flight. The plastic tube at the end of the metal gear shaft is not holding onto the gear shaft. Any suggestions on how to repair?
Looks like it was just a press fit of plastic onto metal.
Will crazy glue or plastic model glue to hold the plastic onto the shaft?
Or do I need a whole new motor holder?
Can i use 7.2v batt to the mainbord?
NO! that will burn your Syma X5C’s receiver board.
My x5c started flying eradicly like it was low on power. I check the volts in the batteries and they were all good. My first thought was a bad motor until I started checking things under the hood. I found that one of the motors powers up with the switch in the off position, I took that motor out and tried hooking it to one of the other terminals and didn’t see the problem. Do you think I have an issue with the board or the motor?
I both SYMA X 5C and my one of the gear rod bended a little even though the protective frames present. I dismantled to fix the gear but it seems hard to take the gear off.
Have any suggestions?
Does anyone know what size screws hold on the rotors.
I am having a hard time finding something that small locally and I want to make sure I order the right size.
Can u upgrade a Syma x5c to a x5c-1. If so how?
Yes, you can! You have to replace the receiver board from inside of the quadcopter, as well the transmitter (remote controller).
Why you want to do that? It’s much cheaper to order a new X5C-1, and keep the old one for spare parts.
I blew an engine on the right rear pylon. Which engine do I need? I plan on buying two of each for emergancies but not sure which one goes where.
I too lost a motor gear, and as I couldn’t locate the gears only, I opted to purchase the A+B motors (complete with the gears) on eBay for under $4. While I wait for shipment to arrive from Chine, I need to know if the gear replacement is a mere “snap-on” or am I going to require glue, or do I have to replace the entire motor.
For that price, you can replace the entire motor.
In case you want to replace only the motor gear, just remove it from the new motor and install on the old one, without use any glue!
One of the gears on the engine shaft went missing? I see a photo of the gear on your website, where or how does one go about getting those gears?
Hi, You can order separately the Syma X5C engine gears from banggood, 1 set (4pcs) only $1.99.
Could you send the Link, please
My one starts and then it stops..It flies for about 5 seconds then its starts to blink and shuts off…already changed the blades of the Syma X5C-1 quad but no luck.
Do you think I need to replace the motors?
I think its the battery, probably is half-dead.
If the X5c-1 works fine for 5seconds, the motors are OK.
I lost my x5c quad in a alfalfa field and looked for it for 2 weeks.
Farmer found it in a hay bail for me crunched.
Ordered replacement parts and got quad put back together, tried it out would not bind with transmitter.
Receiver board x5c r v3 — camera and photo on right side of left control stick as stated on web site.
Not sure how to order the correct receiver board for the repair, not much info available on this subject.
Have you made the repairs yet? I’ve had mine a day and already ive worn out two motors in one side. They dont seem to be spinning as freely as the other two and thus don’t provide the same amount of lift. Was thinking of repairing and just wondered how you got on.
HI Dan,
I replaced the dead motors on X5C, and now it works like a new :)
I tested it only inside and it look everything OK.
Later I will upload some images with the repair process.
Please, can you post the repair process?
You can read my post about how to repair your Syma X5C here:
Can I add GPS to my X5C some how?
No you can’t!
But why you need GPS? The Syma X5C has only 30-40 meter flight range.
You can change the controller antenna in order to achieve 60/100M of flight range.
I got a syma x5c 2 months ago but the heli stopped working,Do you know where i can get a replacement heli only? I believe the transmitter is ok.If not how do i know which receiver board to order?
Hi Colin,
If you bought it two months ago, probably you have the new version of the X5C. The difference between the old version and the new version is the camera button. The older one has the same button for the camera and the 3D eversion. If you can record video and make flips in the same time you have the new version.
You can buy only the X5C body (BNF version) for $33 from BG.